Health Effects
Exposure to airborne pollutants from metal processing and smelting can lead to various acute and chronic diseases.
Initial sudden exposure can lead to an irritation of the eyes, nose and throat.
More serious and chronic effects are heart and lung problems, and even premature death.
Heavy metals also pose chronic health risks including bioaccumulation of toxic elements in organisms, which can result into birth defects, kidney and liver problems, gastrointestinal tract issues, joint pain, as well as nervous, respiratory and reproductive system damage.
A number of health effects may result from active mine pollution depending on the specific substances present and their concentrations in air, soil, food or water.
Unless a major accident occurs, the effects are often chronic in nature and include
irritation of eyes, throat, nose, skin;
diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, blood circulation system, kidney, liver;
a variety of cancers; nervous system damage; developmentalproblems; and birth defects.
Irreversible Adverse Effects
Death and injuries due to cave-ins, explosions, hazardous gases, toxic fumes, floods and landslides
Unacceptable Environmental Impacts of Mining
Permanent alteration of terrain
Stripping of vegetation
Mine waste and tailings causing water pollution to streams, rivers and seas
Soil erosion causing floods and landslides
Affects surface water bodies thus disrupting the agri-economic-based settlement
Acid Mine Drainage
Air pollution due to uncontrollable toxic and hazardous gases
Pollution of water bodies results from three primary factors:
acid drainage
metals deposition